In Memoriam/Tribute Gifts

Making a donation can be a wonderful way of paying tribute to someone special who has touched your life.

Make an In-Memoriam Gift

Recognize and celebrate the life of a loved one with a gift that will positively impact the lives of so many.


Give a Tribute Gift

Honour a special person or commemorate a special occasion by making a donation to Shepherds of Good Hope in someone’s name. Let them know they matter to you — and do something that will matter to those in need.



  • Easily arrange your in-memoriam or tribute gift online. For in-memoriam gifts, click here and for tribute gifts, click here.

By Phone or Email:

  • To arrange your in-memoriam or tribute gift by phone or email, please contact:
    Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation
    (613) 789-8210

By Mail:

  • To set up in memoriam or tribute gift by mail, please contact us so we can send you the donation form and mailing envelope. Please address all inquiries to:
    Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation
    233 Murray St. Ottawa, ON. K1N 5M9
    (613) 789-8210


Learn how you can help meet an immediate need in our community, by supporting our latest campaign.