Contact Us

Are you in need of shelter?

Please contact us at 613-688-2929 ext. 322 to speak with someone at the front desk who will be able to assist you.

You can also call the City of Ottawa by dialing: 3-1-1. You can also visit the City of Ottawa website for homelessness help in Ottawa.

Media Inquiries: Please contact

Donation Inquiries: Please email us at or call us at 613-789-8210, or visit our Ways to Give page for more giving options.

Donating Items:

We welcome gifts of toiletries, snacks, clothing and food. Due to our limited space, please refer to our Donate Items page for a comprehensive list of items we recommend, including where and when you can drop them off.

You are encouraged to follow our social media pages on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and our seasonal needs.

Thank you. We are grateful for your support.

Mailing Address
Contact us by Phone
Contact us by Email
Shepherds of Good Hope
233 rue Murray Street
Ottawa, ON
K1N 5M9
Tel: 613-789-8210
Fax: 613-789-0888
General Inquiries